100 JS Functions
1. minutesToHours
2. averageOf4Numbers
3. concat3
4. max5
5. getMonthsNeededToWait
6. getGasolineAmount
7. lastNRevert
8. getBusinessAddress
9. getUserObject
10. canDriveCar
11. areAllNumbersEven
12. getBiggestNumberInArrays
13. getLongestString
14. everyNPositions
15. doubleNumbers
16. mostRepetitions
17. getMillisecondsBetween
18. getMonthOfTheYear
19. addDays
20. getDevelopers
21. extractElementsBetweenPositions
22. isSorted
23. halfAndHalf
24. isSameDay
25. getMaxMovingDistance
26. arrayToObject
27. pickFields
28. getHighestPaidEmployee
29. flipObject
30. diffArrays
31. countPageViews
32. linkedNumbersSum
33. getMissingContacts
34. removeFirstAndLast
35. biggestPowerOf2
36. areValuesUnique
37. fetchGitHubName
38. rotateArray
39. getDaysInMonth
40. formatDateTime
41. toDecimal
42. compareSets
43. groupBirthdays
44. diffReactions
45. rgbToHex
46. timeAgo
47. customArraySort
48. moveItems
49. isValidPassword
50. mergeSortedArrays
51. ascendingSplit
52. findUniqueNumber
53. parseQueryParams
54. simpleCompression
55. partitionArray
56. findFreeCalendarSpots
57. mergeIntervals
58. simpleURLParser
59. pickNested
60. fetchNamesOfAllPublicRepos
61. getPaginatedData
62. getCheckPassword
63. getAdd5
64. getAddN
65. fetchClosedPullRequests
66. fetchBranchNames
67. searchMessages
68. objectToMap
69. createQueue
70. createStack
71. isSameWeek
72. bfsTraversal
73. dfsTraversal
74. getDoubleN
75. deepCopy
76. uniqBy
77. flow
78. createCounter
79. createPromise
80. reverseForEach
81. checkSettlesInTime
82. sorted
83. groupBy
84. createLinkedList
85. promiseOrder
86. isDeepEqual
87. delayResolve
88. classInheritance
89. customBind
90. todoList
91. reverseReduce
92. withCount
93. maxInvocations
94. createObservable
95. createPubSub
96. cacheGetResult
97. currySum
98. getCurry
99. throttle
100. debounce
Write a function named getDaysInMonth that receives a Date as a parameter, and returns the number of days in the month of the given date.
You'll see test results here!